How Much Does It Cost to Build a Minimum Viable Product

Learn about the cost factors for MVP development. Including scope, tech stack, freelancer vs agency and development approach.

Published by Jonathan Melo

When contemplating the development of an MVP, budget considerations take center stage. We must have a clear understanding of the expenses before green-lighting any project. However, gauging the exact cost can be challenging. With varying quotes from different developers and agencies, how can we navigate and find the most suitable option for our budget?

On average a minimum viable product will cost at least $15,000.

There are many factors that determine the cost. Let’s go over those in detail.

Cost Break Down

  • Project Management: 15%
  • UX & Product Discovery: 15%
  • Design: 10%
  • Coding: 50%
  • Quality Assurance: 10%

How to Reduce Costs

You’re already on the right track by adopting lean methodologies and starting with a minimum viable product. Here are some more tactical way to make development more cost effective.

Reduce Scope

Prioritize features based on their importance and impact.

Build for Web First

Web applications can often be more affordable and quicker to develop than native apps.

Use Component Libraries

Use pre-made UI kits or design systems to speed up development.

Build in Phases

Develop the MVP in phases, starting with the core functionality and expanding later based on feedback and funding.

Leverage Existing API’s

Don’t reinvent the wheel by developing features like authentication services when plug and play solution already exist.

Educate Yourself

Educate yourself on basic coding or design principles using platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy.

Prioritize No-Code

Learn about what’s possible with visual programming tools.

Factors Affecting MVP Development Costs

Scope & Features

Well Defined Scope

A well-defined scope ensures that the team understands requirements, leading to accurate estimates and reduced costs. In contrast, an ambiguous or changing scope (known as "scope creep") can result in extended development times and higher costs.

Complexity of Features

Basic features are typically cheaper to implement, while those requiring intricate logic, algorithms, or data processing take more time and effort, thereby raising costs.

Number of Features

An MVP should ideally focus on core features for business validation, keeping costs lower. However, introducing too many features not only strays from the MVP philosophy but also elevates development costs.

Integration of Features

Standalone features often simplify development and testing processes. In contrast, interdependent features, especially those interacting with multiple systems or features, increase development complexity and costs.

User Flow & Interaction

An MVP with straightforward user flow is less costly to develop. On the other hand, complex multi-step processes or intricate user interactions can inflate development time and expenses.

Reiterations Based on Features

While features may need changes based on feedback, the more features in an MVP, the higher the potential cost from these iterative adjustments.

Customization vs. Off-the-Shelf Solutions

Custom-built features offers flexibility but can be costlier than leveraging pre-existing third-party solutions, which might have licensing fees but can reduce development time.

Data Handling & Storage

Features that manage large amounts of data or need real-time data processing are generally more expensive due to the intricate infrastructure and logic they demand.

Technology Stack & Tools

Choosing a well-supported and modern tech stack ensures we easily find the right expertise and keep our MVP development on track.

Pre-built Solutions

Utilizing CMS platforms like WordPress or tools like Shopify for e-commerce MVPs can reduce custom development hours.

Cross-platform Tools

If you're building a mobile app MVP, tools like React Native or Flutter allow for cross-platform development, potentially saving costs over building native apps for iOS and Android separately.

Community Support

Open-source tools with large communities often mean better support, more plugins/extensions, and frequent updates, reducing long-term costs.

Plugins and Extensions

An ecosystem with a plethora of plugins can reduce development time as developers don't need to code everything from scratch.

Frameworks and Libraries

Some frameworks or libraries can accelerate development. For instance, using a web framework like Django or Ruby on Rails can significantly speed up web development due to built-in features.

Common stacks like the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack have a larger pool of developers available, which can mean competitive pricing.

No-code & Visual Editors

No-code tools enable rapid MVP creation without the need to write code, substantially speeding up the initial development process. Drag-and-Drop Features reduce the time it takes to design and structure your MVP. With no-code platforms, there's often no need for advanced technical knowledge, which means you might not have to hire experienced developers, potentially reducing labor costs.

Team Expertise

Efficiency and Speed

Experienced teams can complete tasks faster and more efficiently, while less experienced members might need more time, leading to longer development cycles and potential cost variations.

Quality of Work

Skilled professionals are likely to produce high-quality work with less rework, whereas inexperienced teams might create less optimized or buggy code, resulting in higher long-term costs.

Problem-Solving and Innovation

Experienced members can find creative, cost-effective solutions, while less skilled teams might struggle with challenges, delaying development or increasing costs through external consultations.

Communication and Collaboration

Experienced teams often have better communication skills, streamlining workflow, whereas inexperienced teams may suffer from miscommunications, leading to costly errors or scope changes.

Training and Onboarding

High expertise requires less training, leading to quick adaptation, while low expertise might require more training and mentoring, increasing costs.

Mistake Avoidance

Skilled teams can anticipate and avoid common pitfalls, saving time and money, while novice teams might make mistakes that are costly to rectify later on.

Tool and Technology Selection

Experienced team members often choose the right tools and technologies, leading to efficiency and cost savings, while less experienced members might select unsuitable or over engineered solutions, driving up costs.

Rate and Compensation

Experienced professionals typically command higher rates, but their efficiency and expertise might lead to overall savings, while entry-level members might have lower rates but potential hidden costs due to inefficiencies and mistakes.

Risk Management

Experienced professionals can better manage risks and implement preventive measures, reducing unforeseen costs, while less experienced teams might not foresee certain risks, leading to unplanned expenses or delays.

Design & User Experience

Design Expertise

Custom UI often requires hiring experienced UI/UX designers who understand the nuances of creating a unique and engaging user experience. Experienced designers may command higher rates than generic or template-based design approaches.

Development Time

Custom designs usually take longer to conceptualize, design, and iterate upon. This means more hours spent on design, which translates to increased costs.

Implementing a custom design can be more time-consuming for developers compared to using standard or pre-made templates.

Revisions and Iterations

A custom design might go through multiple revisions based on stakeholder feedback, user testing, and other considerations. Each iteration means more hours of design and potential development changes.

Complexity in Coding

Unique design elements may require specialized coding, adding to the development effort. This could be in the form of custom animations, transitions, or interactive elements not found in standard libraries or frameworks.

Compatibility across different devices and screen sizes becomes a challenge, as developers need to ensure the custom UI looks and functions as intended everywhere.

Testing and QA

A custom UI might introduce unique bugs or issues that need to be identified and fixed, requiring more extensive quality assurance (QA) testing.

UI testing tools may need to be adapted or custom solutions might need to be developed to handle the unique aspects of the custom design.

Tools and Software

Advanced design software or tools might be needed to achieve the desired custom effects, incurring additional licensing costs.

Integration with Back-end

A custom UI might have specific requirements that affect how the front-end communicates with the back-end, potentially adding complexity and development hours.

Scalability and Maintenance

As the MVP evolves, maintaining and updating a custom UI can be more challenging and time-consuming than standard or templated solutions.

User Feedback and Usability Testing

Custom designs can sometimes deviate from standard user experience norms. This might necessitate more extensive user testing to ensure that the design is intuitive and user-friendly.

If usability issues arise, the design may need to be reworked, incurring additional costs.

Documentation and Onboarding

Developers and future team members might require more extensive documentation or training to understand and work with the custom UI.

Development Approach


This is a linear approach where each phase must be completed before the next begins. While it provides a clear structure and milestones, changes mid-way can be costly and time-consuming.


Agile methods, such as Scrum, promote iterative development. Agile can adapt to changes more easily and can potentially deliver value faster, but requires a more hands-on management style and frequent communication, which might affect labor costs.

In-house Development

Having your own team can lead to better communication and understanding of the vision, but often at a higher cost due to overheads, salaries, and benefits.


Outsourcing, especially to countries with lower labor rates, can be cheaper. However, it can sometimes lead to communication challenges, cultural differences, and potential quality issues.

Cross-functional teams

Teams that have a mix of skills (developers, designers, QA) can deliver an MVP faster but may have higher coordination overhead.

Dedicated teams

Having a team exclusively for the MVP might speed up the process but can be more expensive than sharing resources with other projects.

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Tools and platforms that allow for quick MVP development (e.g., no-code/low-code platforms) can significantly reduce development costs. But they might also limit the flexibility or scalability of the MVP.

Reusing Code and Components

Leveraging existing libraries, frameworks, or components can reduce development time. Look into Bootstrap & Material UI.

Development Best Practices

Not adhering to best practices (like version control, continuous integration, and automated testing) can reduce initial costs but might lead to higher costs in the long run due to bugs, tech debt, and maintainability issues.


Extensive documentation can slow down the development process and increase costs, but it can also reduce future costs related to maintenance, knowledge transfer, and scaling the team.

Why Proper Budgeting is Essential

  1. Resource Allocation: Budgeting ensures that funds are allocated appropriately to different aspects of MVP development, such as design, development, testing, and deployment.
  2. Financial Discipline and Risk Mitigation: Instills a sense of fiscal responsibility, helps anticipate financial pitfalls, and ensures projects don't exceed costs.
  3. Guided Decision Making: Facilitates prioritization of features, keeps timelines in check, and informs scaling decisions.
  4. Feedback Iteration: Budgeting for user feedback collection and subsequent iterations is essential for the MVP to evolve and meet market needs.
  5. Contingency Planning: A well-planned budget sets aside funds for unforeseen events or changes in the development scope.
  6. Setting Clear Expectations: Budgeting allows for setting clear financial expectations with the development team, ensuring that both parties are on the same page regarding costs.

Hiring MVP Developers

Hiring the right developer for an MVP goes beyond just skills. It's about aligning expertise with specific project needs. We've faced delays due to mismatches, like a data-savvy developer working on user interfaces or a backend expert missing the mark on user-centric features. Additionally, overlooking a developer's cultural fit or industry understanding can skew the MVP away from our vision and values. Rushed hiring decisions and underestimating the importance of effective communication have, at times, led to avoidable hiccups. Here are important factors to consider when hiring to build a minimum viable product.

Hiring Freelancer vs Agency

We've seen projects hinge on picking the right talent. Understanding the difference between a freelancer and an agency ensures we align our choice with our project's size and complexity. At times, we sought niche expertise, and freelancers were the perfect fit. Other times, an agency's broader scope was invaluable.

Direct Freelance Developer Costs

  • Hourly or Project Rate: Freelancers typically charge either an hourly rate or a fixed project rate.
  • Overhead: Generally, freelancers have lower overhead costs. This could result in cost savings passed on to you.
  • Tools and Software: Some freelancers might ask you to cover costs for specific tools or software licenses if they are specific to your project.

Direct Development Agency Costs

  • Hourly or Project Rate: Agencies often provide a comprehensive quote which includes different expertise, tools, and support. This might be higher than freelancers due to the more extensive resources provided.
  • Overhead: Agencies have higher overhead costs given their office spaces, multiple employees, and business operations. This can influence their rates.
  • Package Deals: Agencies might offer package deals which can either be cost-effective or more expensive based on what's included.
  • Retainers: Post-project, an agency might charge a retainer for ongoing support, updates, and maintenance.

Indirect Freelance Developer Costs

  • Management Time: More of your own time might be required to manage and communicate with a single freelancer.
  • Quality Assurance: Freelancers might not have a dedicated QA team. You might have to play a more significant role in testing or hire someone separately.
  • Scalability: If the project grows, the freelancer might not have the bandwidth to handle it, leading to potential additional hiring costs.

Indirect Development Agency Costs

  • Less Management Time: Agencies typically have project managers to oversee the project.
  • Quality Assurance: Most agencies have in-house QA teams, which ensures the product is tested thoroughly.
  • Scalability: Agencies are better equipped to scale up or adjust to project changes, as they have a broader range of resources and personnel.

Opportunity Freelance Developer Costs

  • Flexibility: Freelancers can often adjust their schedules or make swift changes, which might save time.
  • Specialized Skills: If you find a freelancer with the exact skill set you need, it could result in faster and more efficient development.

Opportunity Development Agency Costs

  • Multiple Projects: Agencies can handle multiple aspects of a project simultaneously (e.g., design, development, QA), leading to faster time-to-market.
  • Diverse Expertise: Agencies have a team with varied expertise, ensuring all areas of your project are covered.

Risks & Hidden Freelance Developer Costs

  • Dependence: Relying on one individual carries the risk of them falling sick, taking vacations, or being unavailable.
  • Quality Variance: The quality might vary, and there isn't a team to balance out the skill gaps.
  • Project Abandonment: In worst-case scenarios, freelancers might leave the project midway.

Risks & Hidden Development Agency Costs

  • Higher Initial Costs: The upfront costs with agencies are generally higher.
  • Contractual Limitations: Some agencies might have clauses that prevent you from hiring away their talent or limit post-project modifications.
  • Bureaucracy: Decision-making might be slower due to multiple layers of hierarchy.

Long-term Freelance Developer Costs

  • Maintenance: If the freelancer moves on to other projects or becomes unavailable, you might incur costs finding someone else for updates and maintenance.
  • Documentation: If the freelancer doesn't provide thorough documentation, future developers might take longer (and thus cost more) to understand the project.

Long-term Development Agency Costs

  • Continued Support: Agencies often offer post-launch support packages.
  • Updates and Upgrades: With an existing relationship, it might be easier (but not always cheaper) to return to the agency for future updates and expansions.

Hiring Outsource vs Build In-House Team

We've learned that grasping the differences between outsourcing and in-house development profoundly impacts our budgeting and timeline. Outsourcing offers quick solutions at fixed costs, while an in-house team provides consistent control but requires more upfront investment.

Outsource Development Pros

  1. Immediate Onboarding: You can get started almost immediately after you sign the contract. No lengthy recruitment process.
  2. Fixed Costs: Typically, you'll be provided with a fixed quote for the project, which makes budgeting straightforward.
  3. Diverse Skill Sets: Agencies often have a range of professionals (designers, developers, QA testers, etc.) available as needed.
  4. No Long-Term Commitments: After the MVP is delivered, you aren’t obliged to keep the team, avoiding ongoing overhead.
  5. Less Administrative Overhead: Reduced need for HR processes, payroll, benefits, etc.

Outsource Development Cons

  1. Higher Short-Term Costs: Agencies might have a higher upfront cost for the development of an MVP compared to the salary of a few initial employees.
  2. Communication Barriers: Potential timezone differences, language barriers, and cultural differences may arise.
  3. Less Control: You might not have as direct an influence over the team as with an in-house squad.
  4. Potential Quality Issues: Some agencies might compromise on quality for speed.

In-house Development Pros

  1. Direct Oversight: More control over your product's direction, quality, and the day-to-day work.
  2. Cultural Alignment: Team members can more closely align with the company's culture, vision, and objectives.
  3. Better Communication: Being in the same physical or time zone space often leads to smoother communication.
  4. Long-Term Development: The team can be retained for future updates, iterations, and other projects.
  5. Intellectual Property Security: Less risk of IP leaks or breaches.

In-house Development Cons

  1. Recruitment Time & Costs: Finding, interviewing, and onboarding the right talent can be lengthy and costly.
  2. Ongoing Overheads: Salaries, benefits, tools, office space (if not remote), and other associated costs.
  3. Scaling Issues: As needs grow, you might need to recruit more members, adding to costs and onboarding time.
  4. Training & Development: New hires might need training, further tools, and other resources.
  5. Long-Term Commitments: Regardless of how the MVP performs, you'll have an ongoing commitment to your team in terms of salaries, benefits, etc.

Hiring Offshore vs Domestic

We've found that grasping the nuances between offshoring and domestic teams directly impacts our project outcomes, budget, and team dynamics.

Direct Labor Costs

  • Offshore: Typically lower hourly rates compared to domestic developers.
  • Domestic: Usually higher hourly rates due to the cost of living, better infrastructure, regulations, and other socioeconomic factors.

Overhead Costs

  • Offshore: May have lower overhead costs depending on the country's infrastructure, real estate costs, and utilities.
  • Domestic: Typically higher due to better established infrastructure, higher real estate costs, and regulations.

Communication Costs

  • Offshore: Potential costs in communication tools, potential time zone differences leading to overlapping hours or adjusting schedules, and possible trips to meet with the team.
  • Domestic: Typically fewer costs associated with time zone differences, easier face-to-face meetings, and less reliance on international communication tools.

Travel & Onboarding Costs

  • Offshore: If face-to-face meetings are required, travel costs can be significant. There might also be longer onboarding due to cultural or procedural differences.
  • Domestic: Lower travel costs for meetings, typically faster onboarding due to cultural familiarity.

Training and Integration Costs

  • Offshore: Potential need for more training, especially if there are significant cultural or business practice differences.
  • Domestic: Usually requires less training, given the shared understanding of local business norms.
  • Offshore: Costs associated with international contracts, understanding and complying with international data and privacy laws, potentially dealing with intellectual property risks.
  • Domestic: Typically straightforward legal and compliance processes, familiarity with local laws and regulations.

Quality Assurance & Re-work Costs

  • Offshore: Varying quality levels might lead to additional costs for rework or extensive QA processes.
  • Domestic: Potentially fewer issues with rework and quality, leading to decreased associated costs.

Currency Exchange & Transaction Costs

  • Offshore: Currency exchange rates, potential volatility in currency values, and transaction fees can impact costs.
  • Domestic: Typically no currency exchange fees or associated risks.

Data Security & Infrastructure

  • Offshore: Potential costs in ensuring data security, especially if the offshore location has less stringent data protection standards.
  • Domestic: Potentially fewer costs and risks associated with data breaches or compliance issues.

Language and Documentation

  • Offshore: Possible costs in translating documents, or the extra effort needed to ensure clarity in communication.
  • Domestic: Usually, fewer language barriers leading to reduced costs in this area.

Management and Oversight

  • Offshore: More intensive project management might be required to handle time zone differences, communication barriers, and task management.
  • Domestic: Potentially simpler and more direct management structures, leading to reduced costs.

How to Find a MVP Development Agency

When searching for a developer or agency specializing in lean methodologies, start by clarifying your project needs. Utilize platforms like Upwork, Toptal, and Clutch, and consider referrals from your network. It's essential to review portfolios to ensure a history of lean MVP development and to read reviews or testimonials for genuine feedback on their work. Interviewing potential candidates can provide insights into their lean experience, communication skills, and approach to iterative development. Consider their technological tools, post-launch support, and their fit with your company culture. Contracts should be clear on terms and deliverables, and starting with a small task can be a good way to gauge their capabilities.

Ensure the developer or agency uses an iterative approach, emblematic of lean's build, measure, learn cycle. Certifications in lean or agile might indicate a formal commitment to these methodologies. Assess their pricing models, ensuring you're getting value for your investment. Prioritize effective communication and verify their collaborative methodologies, be it through regular meetings or tools like Slack. Finally, attending relevant workshops or seminars can offer both insights and networking opportunities.

Why a Project Manager Is Required

A project manager is vital for aligning an MVP with business goals, ensuring timely and cost-effective delivery, and facilitating effective communication among stakeholders. Without this role, someone, often the client, must assume these responsibilities, which can be overwhelming and divert them from their core business functions. This added burden can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunication, and potential project derailment. Here are a few responsibilities you should expect from a project manager.

  1. Vision and Strategy Alignment: A PM ensures that the team understands the overarching business goals and ensures that the MVP aligns with these objectives.
  2. Scope Management: PMs define, manage, and control the project scope to avoid scope creep, ensuring that the project remains focused on delivering just the essential features.
  3. Resource Allocation: A PM will effectively allocate and manage human, financial, and technological resources, ensuring that the MVP is delivered efficiently.
  4. Time Management: PMs create and oversee timelines, ensuring that milestones are reached and that the MVP is delivered on schedule.
  5. Budget Management: They manage the budget to avoid cost overruns, ensuring the project remains financially viable.
  6. Stakeholder Communication: A PM acts as the bridge between stakeholders (including clients, investors, and higher-ups) and the development team, facilitating transparent communication.
  7. Risk Management: They identify potential risks and have contingency plans in place to mitigate these risks.
  8. Conflict Resolution: In any team, disagreements can arise. PMs mediate and resolve conflicts ensuring a harmonious work environment.

Cost Benefits of MVP vs Full Product

An MVP, as part of the proven lean methodology, minimizes wasted resources. Whereas building a full product without validation carries the risk of building something nobody wants. Here are some reason to adopt the lean methodology of starting with an MVP.

  • Cost Efficiency: MVPs require less capital, enabling you to test your idea without investing in all the potential features, thus conserving resources.
  • Feedback-Driven Iterations: By gathering user feedback early, you avoid the high costs of making changes to a fully developed product, ensuring resources aren't wasted on unnecessary features.
  • Risk Reduction: MVPs minimize the risk of a large-scale failure by validating the market demand, ensuring you don't pour money into a full product that might not achieve the desired market fit.

MVP Pricing for No-Code vs Traditional

We've seen teams, including ourselves, grapple with the balance between skillsets and project needs. No-code might seem more accessible, but it has its limitations. On the other hand, traditional development allows for more customization but requires more specialized skills. Our experience taught us to weigh our capabilities and resources carefully, finding the approach that fits not just our immediate needs but our long-term goals as well.

No-Code Development Pros

  1. Lower Initial Costs: Many no-code platforms offer subscription-based pricing. You only pay for the features and capabilities you need.
  2. Speed: Faster time-to-market, which means you might start generating revenue or collecting user feedback sooner.
  3. Less Technical Overhead: No need to set up development environments, maintain servers, or manage other infrastructure.
  4. Scalability: Some platforms automatically scale with your needs, especially if your MVP experiences sudden growth.
  5. Pre-built Features: You might get built-in functionalities like authentication, databases, and integrations without extra cost.

No-Code Development Cons

  1. Potential for Higher Long-Term Costs: While starting costs are low, as your product evolves and you require more advanced features or outgrow the platform's limitations, you might face rising subscription costs.
  2. Customization Limitations: Custom features or tweaks outside the platform's capabilities might be costly or impossible.
  3. Platform Dependency: You're dependent on the platform's decisions, pricing changes, and potential discontinuation.
  4. Performance & Scalability Issues: Some platforms might not be optimized for very high traffic or specific use cases.

Traditional Development Pros

  1. High Customization: You can build exactly what you want, tailored to your unique requirements.
  2. Ownership: You fully own the codebase, meaning no vendor lock-ins.
  3. Optimization: Can be optimized for performance, scalability, and specific user needs.
  4. Long-Term Cost Efficiency: Once built, you don't face rising subscription fees, unless considering hosting and maintenance.

Traditional Development Cons

  1. Higher Initial Costs: Hiring developers, designers, and potentially purchasing licenses for certain software or services can be expensive.
  2. Longer Development Time: Building from scratch or even using frameworks typically takes longer than no-code solutions.
  3. Maintenance Costs: Regular software updates, bug fixes, and server maintenance are ongoing costs.
  4. Infrastructure & Hosting Costs: Unless opting for a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), you'll incur costs related to hosting, databases, and other infrastructural elements.
  5. Technical Overhead: Need for setting up development environments, version control, continuous integration, and other development best practices.

Funding Options

Exchange Startup Equity for Development Work

  1. Valuation & Equity Details: Determine the current and potential future valuation of the startup, decide on the equity percentage to offer, and consider the future dilution impact.
  2. Scope & Developer Credentials: Clearly define deliverables, timelines, and quality standards. Review the developer's experience, past projects, and references.
  3. Legal & Intellectual Property Considerations: Ensure proper documentation of the agreement, retain ownership of intellectual property, and establish non-compete and non-disclosure clauses.
  4. Long-term Implications & Team Dynamics: Decide on the developer's future role and compensation post-MVP. Ensure their integration into the team and effective communication channels.
  5. Risk, Contingencies & Alternatives: Acknowledge the risks and opportunity costs for both parties, define underperformance repercussions, and evaluate alternative funding or development options.

Fund Raising From Early-Stage Seed Investors

Here are a few considerations that an investor would have when looking to fund MVP development.

  1. Cost and Scope Breakdown: A detailed outline of the MVP's features and the associated costs, ensuring that the quoted price aligns with industry standards and the complexity of the product.
  2. Agency Reputation and Track Record: Information about the development agency's experience, past projects, and client feedback to evaluate their credibility and reliability.
  3. Development Timeline and Milestones: Clear timelines for MVP completion with associated payment milestones, ensuring progress-based fund disbursement.
  4. Technical and Post-launch Details: Insight into the proposed technical stack for scalability and sustainability, along with potential post-launch costs like maintenance or scaling.
  5. Intellectual Property and Exit Strategy: Clarity on IP ownership for the developed product and provisions for transitioning to another team if the collaboration with the agency doesn't work out.

Watch Out for Hidden & Post Launch Costs

When we start with an idea for an MVP, it's easy to focus on the core development. However, the truth is that our project's success lies in the nuances. Regular quality checks, adjustments, and bug fixes are par for the course, ensuring our MVP’s robustness. As it takes shape, we'll notice that our hosting costs, influenced by traffic and storage, might not remain static. Concurrently, as the team evolves, so does the need for regular training and accurate documentation. And, without strategic marketing, our MVP might remain an undiscovered. Recognizing these realities helps us make informed decisions.

Quality Assurance and Bug Fixing

Even with extensive pre-launch testing, real-world user interactions often unveil unexpected issues. Additionally, as technology and user preferences evolve, continuous QA is crucial to ensure the MVP remains up-to-date and relevant. These ongoing efforts, while vital for the product's longevity, can introduce hidden costs not initially accounted for in the budget.

Hosting Bills

Hosting expenses, often seen as a fixed initial cost during MVP development, can be deceptive. Post-launch, as user traffic grows, there's a direct impact on hosting bills due to increased server and bandwidth demands. Additionally, the data generated and stored by users can quickly exceed initial allocations, leading to further costs. Hence, it's vital to anticipate these dynamic hosting costs and scalability needs to ensure efficient MVP performance without unexpected financial strains.


Training administrative users for an MVP is a frequently overlooked expense. Post-launch, as the product undergoes modifications, administrative personnel need consistent, updated training to manage the evolving platform effectively. This continuous onboarding, combined with the MVP's inherent adaptability, necessitates periodic training sessions, refreshed manuals, and support channels, all contributing to additional costs.


Developer documentation, often seen as an initial investment, carries hidden and ongoing costs post-launch. As the MVP evolves with new features and changes, the documentation must be consistently updated, ensuring accuracy and efficiency for the team. Moreover, as the MVP integrates with other systems or scales, detailing these complexities becomes crucial. Neglecting this ongoing documentation can lead to increased troubleshooting costs and integration challenges, making it a continuous and vital expenditure.

Transferring MVP to a New Development Team

The knowledge transfer and onboarding of the new team can be extensive, requiring time and potentially involvement from the original team, leading to reduced initial productivity. Secondly, the new team might identify and want to address technical debt in the existing MVP structure, leading to additional costs for refactoring or overhauling parts of the product.

Iterative Development

Iterative development is not a one-time process but an ongoing commitment that extends well beyond the launch of the MVP. In the pursuit of product-market fit, it involves continuously refining and adapting the product based on user feedback and market trends. This means additional development cycles, quality assurance, and potentially even significant changes to features or design. While essential for aligning the product with market needs, these continuous iterations represent hidden costs that might not be apparent at the project's outset. They require a sustained investment in both time and resources, making it a critical consideration in budgeting and planning.

MVP Sunset Costs

If the decision is made to pull the plug on a project, that process will also have costs that we need to think about. Beginning with safely archiving data, ensuring that users information is protected or deleted in compliance with privacy regulations, and rerouting or informing existing users about the end of the product.

When an MVP is sunsetted, especially if it has an active user base, there's a crucial post-launch cost tied to communication and reputation management. Informing users about the end of a product, addressing their concerns, and potentially guiding them to alternative solutions or platforms demands careful planning and can entail additional expenses. Managing this phase gracefully is essential to retain trust and credibility, especially if planning to launch other products or services in the future. Failure to do so can lead to long-term reputational costs that might overshadow the immediate financial ones.


It would be great if “build it and they will come” actually work. The reality is that post-launch an often overlooked expense is revealed: marketing. Simply put, without promoting our MVP, users won’t find us. We quickly realize that marketing isn’t an add-on but an essential, ongoing cost. Building the product is half the battle, getting the markets attention is the other half.

Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

We once overlooked the importance of thorough communication, thinking expertise was enough. The result? A product we didn’t recognize. Now, we prioritize regular check-ins to ensure our vision is being faithfully executed. Here are a few common mistakes made.

  1. Choosing Based on Price Alone: While budget constraints are real, the cheapest option may not always provide the best value.
  2. Paying the Entire Amount Upfront: Structure the payment based on milestones to ensure accountability.
  3. Falling for "Yes Men": Choose an agency willing to provide feedback and challenge your ideas when necessary for the product's betterment.
  4. Assuming Expertise: Don’t assume that all agencies are experts in the technology stack you need. Verify their capabilities.
  5. Avoiding Technical Involvement: If you don't have a technical background, consider hiring a technical advisor to oversee the project's technical aspects.
  6. Overlooking Portfolio Relevance: Ensure the agency has experience in building similar products or at least in your industry.